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My poetry has been published in Ms., The Paris Review, Antioch Review, Northwest Review, Works, and in the Borestone Mountain Poetry volume, The Best Poems of 1977.  I am also the author of The Biological Clock: Balancing Marriage, Motherhood and Career (Doubleday 1987; Penguin 1988). My articles have been published in The Paris Review, Quest/77, People, Women’s Day, and other magazines. I've been an editor at The Paris Review and New York Magazine as well as other magazines.


Despite these accomplishments, I went through my life with a bottle in one hand and a man in the other until June 1995, when I walked into my first AA meeting, and was gradually changed through sobriety to be a woman who is no longer empty inside and who has no need to escape reality by disappearing down a bottle of booze.


During this time, I’ve grown old, but I’ve also grown up and retrieved my creative force, found a love for my mother instead of continuing to blame her, fully embraced my children, learned to love myself and enjoy the freedoms of being single, and survived—without a drink—even the worst of what life can deliver.

Molly McKaughan

© 2019 by Molly McKaughan. Proudly created by Tracey Diamond Designs.

On April 29, 1995, I had my last drink. It was not a momentous occasion, and I didn't even drink that much that night, but in my head was a little voice saying, over and over: "Can I have more? Can I have more?" Even as I talked to a good friend, booze had me by the throat. On June 10th of that year I walked into my first AA meeting and found people of my own kind. People talked about alcohol in a way I understood and had never shared with another living soul. It was the first day of a journey of discovery, of connections, of pain, and through it all, I have not had to disappear down a bottle of booze. This book tells that journey in poetry.

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